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An Epitome of Spiritualism and Spirit Magnetism 1876

An Epitome of Spiritualism and Spirit Magnetism 1876

By: Aaron S. Hayward

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Published in 1876 | 136 pages | PDF reader required


Our previous works having been favourably received, has induced us to continue to meet the demand of the times, therefore have written the following brief treatise upon two of the most important subjects connected with the life of human beings, trusting that the suggestions made therein will prove stepping stones to a better understanding of the subject, and will be the means of preventing souls from groping in ignorance and darkness in relation to the responsibilities and duties connected with human life in this world as well as in the spirit life.

Persons reading this book should for the time being lay aside prejudices and pre-conceived opinions, thereby becoming independent thinkers, being willing to receive truth for its own sake, accepting or rejecting whatever reason and judgment dictates.

Hoping this treatise may originate thought which will be profitable and worthy of the centennial year of this country, we send it on its mission of usefulness; and may it prove a blessing to many sceptical and doubting souls who would doubtless gladly receive the truth when fully demonstrated to their minds.